Pen Pals Archives • The Nasio Trust - Sponsor A Child In Need

Child Sponsorship – Help Kids In Desperate Need In Western Kenya

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A Trip Chantelle Will Never Forget

I had been a child sponsor for over a year before I was lucky enough to meet my sponsored child and her sister. At first, it was a very surreal moment as this little girl looked at me with these big eyes as if to say “who are you?” The social workers then introduced me, […]

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Alison’s message from Rhoda

I have been sponsoring a young girl in Kenya through the Nasio Trust for around ten years now. I’ve been privileged enough to visit her three times and today Rhoda, completely out of the blue, contacted me through WhatsApp. It was such an unexpected surprise it brought tears to my eyes. She has now finished […]

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We love the gifts you send!

Tabitha is one of the children who benefited directly from our child sponsorship programme. Now she is giving back by becoming a volunteer! Here’s a touching account she wrote about how the kids respond to gifts sent in by their sponsors. If you’d like to send a gift to your sponsored child please contact us […]

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